
Introduction to Web 3.0

Introduction to Web 3.0

Module 1: Introduction to Web 3

This Module will introduce Web 3.0 as a broad overview, evaluating the issues of ownership and access as key concepts within the blockchain. This Module will also explore comparisons between web 2.0 and web 3.0. This Module will discuss why Web 3.0 will be transformative to many industries, and the current trends. It will outline the target audience for the book, and what readers will learn, as well as the author’s purpose in writing the book.

Module 2: Blockchain Basics

This Module will comprise three parts , (2) Introduction to Blockchain, (3) Token Classification and Introduction to Major Platforms and (4) Overview of the Blockchain Ecosystem. These chapters will introduce and analyze the blockchain ecosystem and components of a fully decentralized ledger that enable complete transparency, and shared ownership of resources, that make the blockchain technology and entire ecosystem able to be created, operated, owned and financed by its users- for other users. Introduction to Blockchain will outline the history, blockchain technology stack, types of blockchains and overview of cryptography and consensus algorithms. Token Classification and Platforms will outline token classification, smart contracts, and some of the current challenges. The Ecosystem chapter will look at the major elements including DeFi, DAOs, NFTs, Gamification, and Regulation.

Module 3 : DeFi, CeFi and TradFi

This Module explores money as a much broader concept than what is understood traditionally. The History of Money, will provide an overview of the history of money, explaining the background to blockchain and digital assets and financial applications including Central Bank Digital Currencies, Stablecoins, settlements, and custody. It will also examine the leading blockchain protocols relevant to finances. An overview of DeFi will be provided, as well as an analysis of the DeFi ecosystem. The Module will explore Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs) and several case studies.

Module 4: Non-Fungible Tokens

This Module explores the dynamic Concept of NFTs in two parts: (1) Introduction to Non-Fungible Tokens, (2) How are NFTs Being Used; The Module will explain NFTs, how to make them, why they have become popular and the sectors that are deploying NFTs. This Module considers opportunities and risks and investment strategies.

Module 5: Metaverse

This Module will comprise parts: (1) Introduction to Metaverse and (2) Living in the Metaverse. The Module will describe the history of the different elements of a Metaverse, including hardware, infrastructure, Virtual and Augmented Reality, digital assets and gaming. It will examine leading Metaverse platforms, and examine the main use cases for Metaverse. It will also look at the likely world of the future and how we will use the Metaverse.

Module 6: Tokenization of Everything

This Module explores the concept of Tokenization and the process of converting sensitive data into non-sensitive “tokens” that may be utilized in a database or internal system without bringing it into scope. This Module will consist of one chapter which will describe how and why tokenization will transform industries, and will examine case studies in Banking and Financial Services; Smart Cities; Real Estate; the Data Economy, Health Care and Social Tokens.

Module 7: Web 3.0 and ESG and Sustainability

This Module outlines how Web 3.0 and Blockchain will contribute to improvements in Financial Inclusion; Government, Humanitarian Settings; Cities; Gender and Sustainability.

Module 8: Blockchain and Climate Action

This Module will deconstruct the ways that Blockchain can contribute to climate action , concluding, Green Digital Assets; Smart Grid Management; NFTs and Gamification; Measurement and Reporting and how a DAO could support Climate Action.

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